Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Syrian Christians, Brahmin Ancestors and St. Thomas

The Syrian Christians of Kerala form a caste that is as distinctive as any other in India. Within this caste, there are many sects. Syrian Christians may be Syrian Catholics or Jacobites or Orthodox or Marthomites or even Anglican Christians. Syrian Catholics owe allegiance to the Pope in Rome, the Jacobites to the Patriarch (or Bava) based in Antioch (modern day Turkey), the Orthodox Syrian Christians to a Catholicos based at Devalokam in Kottayam, Kerala, the Marthomites to a Metropolitan based at Thiruvalla in Kerala and the Anglicans to the Archbishop at Canterbury.

Most (but not all) Syrian Christians, irrespective of their sect, have two pet beliefs. One is that each and every Syrian Christian is descended from a Namboodiri or Keralite Brahmin convert to Christianity. The other belief is that their ancestors were converted by St. Thomas, one of Jesus’s twelve disciples, who reached Kerala in the year 52 A.D.

I use the word ‘belief’ for the notions I have mentioned above, because that’s just what they are.

The first belief, that all Syrian Christians have a Brahmin heritage, was never taken too seriously by historians or other experts. I remember reading a book by Sheila Chandra many years ago (I can’t lay hands on this book now) which explains in detail why this is a ridiculous idea.

Recently Varkey Cardinal Vidayathil, the senior most Catholic clergy man in Kerala and one of the cardinals in the Papal conclave which elected Pope Benedict XVI, was interviewed by author Shinie Antony for a Rupa anthology on Kerala titled ‘Kerala, Kerala, Quite Contrary’ (which by the way has one of my short stories titled ‘A Matter of Faith’). Cardinal Vidayathil’s interview is published in this anthology in the form of an article titled ‘Stone the Sin, Not the Sinner.’ In this piece, the Cardinal says that the theories about the Brahminical origin of Syrian Christians are baseless and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

The second belief is that St. Thomas visited the land, which is now called Kerala, and converted a number of Namboodiris (Brahmins of Kerala) to Christianity. According to this belief, St. Thomas did not seek or make converts from any other caste. Anyone with a basic idea of either Indian history or Christian ethos will realise why this sounds very ridiculous. If at all St. Thomas visited India, he is unlikely to have been casteist and would not have focussed only on the upper castes. After all, wasn’t Christ’s mission all about helping the poor and the down-trodden?

Unlike other disciples like Peter or Mathew or Luke, not much is known about the early life of St. Thomas, that is, his life before he became a disciple of Jesus. In fact, it is not even clear if ‘Thomas’ was his real name. ‘Thomas’ means ‘twin’ in Aramaic and it was most probably just a nickname. It is well known that Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen and that Mathew was a tax collector. If St. Peter were to have visited India, you can be sure that he would have had a special message for fisher folk, though he is very unlikely to have interacted only with the fisher folk. If St. Thomas had been the son of a rabbi, he might have found it easier to converse with the learned Namboodiris, but he is very unlikely to have focussed only on them.

Secondly, if you subscribe to the Aryan migration/invasion theory, which I do, the migrant Namboodiris made their way to Kerala only by around the 7th century. If there were no Namboodiris in Kerala two thousand years ago, St. Thomas is unlikely to have converted them to Christianity.

It is also a matter for debate whether St. Thomas visited Kerala in the first place. Even though Syrian Christian tradition fervently believes that St. Thomas did visit Kerala, Christian scholars and western historians are yet to agree on this. A few years ago, Pope Benedict XVI created a controversy when, while addressing a vast crowd at the St Peter’s square, he stated that “Thomas first evanglised Syria and Persia and then penetrated as far as western India from where Christianity reached also south India”. In other words, according to Pope Benedict XVI, St. Thomas never visited or evangelised Kerala, but only visited the land which is now Pakistan and if at all Christianity spread to Kerala, it was from north India.

Pope Benedict VI’s statement caused a furore in Kerala. George Nedungatt, a Keralite scholar based in Rome, declared that the Pope’s statement was tantamount to declaring that St. Thomas was the 'Apostle of Pakistan', rather than that of India. George Nedungatt is a faculty member of the Oriental Pontifical Institute, Rome.

Pope Benedict XVI, despite various shortcomings, is a scholar and a theologian. He is the first Pope to seriously question the belief that St. Thomas visited and evangelised Kerala. Prior to that most Popes had towed the populist line without actually affirming that St. Thomas was in Kerala. For example, in 1990, Pope John Paul II wrote that the Syro-Malabar church of Kerala "as the constant tradition holds, owed its origin to the preaching of Apostle St Thomas."

It is a fact that when the Portuguese arrived in India, they found Christianity already in existence in Kerala. It was an Indianised form of Christianity, barely differentiable from Hinduism. Jesus was yet another God in the Indian pantheon of Gods. The Portuguese didn’t like what they saw, especially the fact that the Christians owed allegiance to the Syrian Orthodox Church which had its head quarters and a bishop in Antioch (then a part of the Ottoman empire, now in modern day Turkey) and that the mass was recited in Syriac or Aramaic (hence the name Syrian Christians). The Portuguese, using a mix of force and persuasion, managed to convert many of the Syrian Christians to Catholicism. Those converts became Syrian Catholics and switched allegiance from the Patriarch in Antioch to the Pope in Rome, though their mass continued to be in Syriac. Till 1965 when the Second Vatican Council decided to allow mass in the vernacular, Syrian Catholics continued to have their mass in Syriac, while other converts to Catholicism used Latin. Since almost all those converted from Hinduism to Christianity by the Portuguese were lower castes, in Kerala, Latin Christians came to be classified as a backward class, which Syrian Christians, supposedly the descendants of Namboodiris, were treated as upper castes.

Syrian Christians have always occupied a very high position in Keralite society. Those who believe in a Brahminical lineage would say that this status is because all Syrian Christians are Namboodiri converts. However, it is very likely that the initial converts to Christianity came from a variety of backgrounds, but because of their ties with the traders who converted them, were much more commercial and hence prosperous and respected. Over a period of time, before the arrival of the Portuguese, they must have coalesced into a monolithic community.

Despite pressure to switch to the Catholic faith and the Pope in Rome, many Syrian Christians refused to tow the Portuguese line and continued to owe allegiance to the Patriarch in Antioch. In 1653, a number of them took a public oath at a place called Koonan Cross or Koonan Kurisu to defy the Portuguese and to persist with the Syrian rites and liturgy. This section, now called the Jacobites, have seen various splits in their ranks in the last two hundred years.

In 1836, a reformist movement arose within the Jacobite Church, which sought autonomy from the Patriarch at Antioch. This movement eventually led to the formation of what is now called the Malankara Marthoma Syrian Church. As mentioned above, the Marthomite church is headed by a Metropolitan based at Thiruvalla in Kerala.

In 1879, missionaries from Church Mission Society of London (part of the Anglican Church) established a branch of the Church of England in Kerala. Many Jacobites and a few Syrian Catholics joined this Church which is now called the Church of South India (CSI). However, most members of the CSI Church are direct converts from Hinduism.

In 1911, Bishop Wattessril Mor Dionysius led a group of Jacobites, mainly from southern Kerala, who broke off from the Jacobite church and formed the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church which doesn’t have any ties to the patriarch at Antioch. Instead, they report to a Catholicos of the East based at Devalokam in Kottayam, Kerala,

On 20 September 1930, Bishop Mar Ivanios broke off from the Jacobites and joined the Catholic Church. The Jacobites who thus became Catholics form the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, which can be described as a semi-autonomous church within the Catholic Church.

        Get back to the issue as to whether St. Thomas did visit Kerala, the answer is, ‘we don’t know for sure’. However, we do know that Christianity has been in existence in India, especially in Kerala, much before the arrival of the Portuguese. In all probability, Christianity arrived in Kerala along with the spice trade that has been going on for many millennia. It is an accepted fact that a bunch of Christians from Syria came to Kerala in the 4th century and settled there. This community which is called the Knanaya (meaning “of Canaan”) community, did not co-mingle or blend with the native population, whether or not there were any Christians in Kerala at that time. It practised and still practices purity laws akin to that of the Parsis whereby anyone who marries outside the community is ostracised.

Prior to the arrival of the Portuguese, the Syrian Christians of Kerala, not only owed allegiance to the Patriarch at Antioch, they also had pretty good cultural exchanges with other Syrian Christians elsewhere in Asia Minor.

None of this however can prove or disprove whether St. Thomas did visit Kerala.

It is understandable that many Syrian Christians were upset by Pope Benedict’s statement that St. Thomas never visited Kerala. I would like to see Syrian Christians take the view that it doesn’t matter whether St. Thomas visited Kerala or not. Christianity is supposed to be an egalitarian religion. One converted by St. Thomas can’t be superior to one converted by a common trader from Asia Minor or someone else. However, as a matter of curiosity, I would like to see historians establish the truth one way or the other, in my lifetime that is.

History of the Syro-Malabar Church

The Syro-Malabar Church traces its origin to the missionary works of St Thomas the Apostle who landed on the Malabar Coast in AD 52. Thus, it is clear that the Church has a long tradition and originated at the same time as did the first Christian thought.
St Thomas Christians are the Christians rooted on Indian soil, and the Syro-Malabar Church is the church that took root on Indian soil. Most of the Syro-Malabar Catholics live in Kerala, the cradle of Christianity in India.
The history of the Syro-Malabar Church is a long story of struggle, hope, and faith. The gift that Apostle Thomas gave has survived century after century, and today forms the epitome of rich traditions and unflinching Christian faith.
Let us first be briefly acquainted with the Roman Catholic Church, Indian Catholics, and Indian Christianity before learning about the beginnings of the Syro-Malabar Church and its growth to its present size and status.
Syro-Malabar Church & the Church of Rome
The Catholic Church is the communion of 22 individual or sui juris Churches. There is one Latin Church, and there are 21 Oriental Churches (also called Eastern Churches).
All these 21 Oriental or Eastern Catholic Churches are in full communion with the Vatican (the Pope) and the Church of Rome or the Roman Catholic Church, forming the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
Indian Catholics
India is blessed with three individual Catholic churches: The Syro-Malabar Church and the Syro-Malankara Church (both Oriental churches or Eastern Rite churches), and the Latin Church.
The Syro-Malabar Church and the Syro-Malankara Church follow the Oriental tradition; The Syro-Malabar Church follows the East Syrian (Chaldean) tradition and the Syro-Malankara Church follows the West Syrian (Antiochian) tradition.
Obviously, Kerala also has the above three individual Catholic churches.
Today, out of a total Christian population of about 25 million, Indian Catholics number about 18 million.
Christianity in India
Christianity arrived in India with the missionary efforts of Apostle Thomas who is believed to have landed at Kodungallur on the Malabar Coast in AD 52, where the apostle established many Christian communities. These Christians, known as St Thomas Christians, are the Christians who took root on Indian soil. St Thomas Christians have been carrying this rich and ancient tradition over the last 20 centuries.
In AD 345, a group of Christians under the leadership of a Persian trader namely Thomas of Cana settled in the southern part of Kodungallur, which is now Kottayam. They came to be known as Knanaya Catholics.
The colonial concept of territorial jurisdiction was unknown to the Indian Church until the arrival of Western missionaries. The Eastern approach is one of personal jurisdiction.
Portuguese sea captain and explorer Vasco da Gama landed in Calicut (Kozhikkode) in 1498. Tension began with the arrival of Western missionaries who accused St Thomas Christians of Nestorianism. In 1599, the archbishop of Goa Aleixo de Meneses convened a synod at Udayamperror, a place about 16 km south of Ernakulam enroute to Kottayam. This synod, known as the Synod of Diamper (Synod of Udayamperoor or Udayamperoor Soonahados) brought the St Thomas Christians under the Latin jurisdiction.
Although this synod criticized many of the customs of the St Thomas Christians, this synod formally reunited them with the Catholic Church.
Formation of the Syro-Malabar Church
Indian Christians were not very happy with the Latin jurisdiction and they revolted against the Latin rule. On January 3, 1653, Christians, under the leadership of Thomas Parambil, assembled at Our Lady of Life church, Mattanchery, and pledged that "we will no longer be under the Jesuits." This event is known as the Coonan Cross Oath.
On 22 May, 1653, Thomas Parambil was declared the bishop (Mar Thoma I) at Alangad. It caused a division in the church and with this we have the introduction of the Jacobite church in India.
Those who continued to be under the Latin jurisdiction remained in the Catholic Church.
In 1831, Fr Kuriakose Elias Chavara founded the Congregation of Mother Immaculate (CMI).
Catholics in Kerala continued to be ruled by Carmelites and Jesuits, and had European bishops. In 1896, the church administration was entrusted in the hands of the native bishops.
Thus, St Thomas Christians in India who were under the rule of the Latin bishops from 1600, began to have their own bishops in 1896.
On May 20, 1887, Pope Leo XIII established two Vicariates Apostolic namely Kottayam (areas of today's Changanasserry diocese AND today's Kottayam diocese) and Trichur (areas of today's Trichur diocese AND today's Ernakulam diocese) exclusively for St Thomas Christians, who shortly came to be known as Syro-Malabarese or Syro-Malabar Catholics, and appointed Dr Charles Lavigne (Kottayam) and Dr Adolph Medlycott (Trichur) as Vicars Apostolic.
This marked the beginning of the Syro-Malabar Church.
Growth of the Syro-Malabar Church
In 1896, Pope Leo XIII reorganized the whole territory of the then existing two Vicariates Apostolic of Trichur and Kottayam (named Kottayam but the areas of today's Changanasserry diocese today's Kottayam diocese) and created three Vicariates in their place, Ernakulam being the third. Mar Louis Pazheparampil was appointed as Vicar Apostolic of Ernakulam. Thus, the three bishops for India were: Louis Pazheparambil (Ernakulam), Mathew Makil (named Kottayam, but the areas of today's Changanasserry diocese AND today's Kottayam diocese), and John Menachery (Trichur). All these bishops were indigenous priests.
At this point, the territorial distribution was like this:
Ernakulam - today's Ernakulam
Trichur - today's Trichur
Kottayam - today's Changanasserry plus today's Kottayam
Knanaya Catholics who settled in the present Kottayam area had their own parishes. In 1911, Pope Pius X erected a separate Vicariate Apostolic (diocese) of Kottayam (by renaming already existing Kottayam to Changanasserry) for the Knanaya community within the Syro-Malabar Church, and transferred Mar Mathew Makil, the then Vicar Apostolic (bishop) of Changanacherry (until then Kottayam, just renamed to Changanasserry, present Changanasserry) to this newly established Kottayam diocese.
Thus began the diocese of Kottayam, a separate diocese within the Syro-Malabar Church exclusively for the Knanaya Catholic community.
Mar Thomas Kurialasserry was appointed the Vicar Apostolic of Changanasserry.
On 21 December 1923, the Syro-Malabar Church Hierarchy was established. Ernakulam was raised to the status of an Archdiocese with the dioceses of Trichur, Changanacherry, and Kottayam as its suffragans (subordinates).
The Syro-Malabar Church has recorded phenomenal growth since then.
Note: A group of Jacobites embraced the Catholic faith in 1930, and the hierarchy was established in 1932. They are known as Syro-Malankara Catholics and the church is called the Syro-Malankara Church.
In 1992, the Syro-Malabar church was given the Major Archiepiscopal status.
In 1993, the Vatican granted the Syro-Malabar Church sui juris status or self-governing status, except in making episcopal appointments (that is, except in appointing bishops without the approval of the Vatican).
In the year 2004, the Vatican granted the Syro-Malabar Church autonomy in naming bishops. The synod of the Syro-Malabar Church was accorded full powers in deciding on liturgy and appointing bishops, with the episcopal appointments (bishops) only needing the Vatican's ratification.
Today, the Syro-Malabar Church is the second largest of the 21 Oriental Churches worldwide, second only to the Ukrainian Church. The Syro-Malabar Church is one of the three Major Archiepiscopal Churches, the other two being the Ukrainian Church and the Syro-Malankara Church.

Syro-Malankara Catholic Church

The Syro-Malankara Catholic Church is an Oriental (Eastern Rite) Catholic Church based in Kerala, with a strength of about 3,25,000. The Syro-Malankara Church is in full communion with the Church of Rome.
The Syro-Malankara Church is a Major Archiepiscopal Church, the third individual Catholic Church to have attained this status, the other two being the Syro-Malabar Church and the Ukrainian Catholic Church.
Formation of the Syro-Malankara Church
St Thomas the Apostle, in AD 52, carried with him to India Jesus' message of building the Church. Kerala became the Cradle of Christianity in India as early as the first century AD. Persian migrations in the 4th century refreshed the spirituality of these St Thomas Christians.
A crisis started with the arrival of European missionaries in the 16th century. St Thomas Christians were forced to follow the Latin rite. 1n 1599, St Thomas Christians were formally brought under the Catholic Church, although under the Latin rule and to the dismay of many of them.
In 1653, the unhappy St Thomas Christians revolted under the Latin rule. At a meeting known as the "Coonan Cross Oath", a section of them named their own indigenous bishop and separated from the Catholic Church. Those who remained under the Lain rule continued to be in the Catholic Church, and those who broke away embraced the Jacobite faith.
In 1897, Vatican created two Vicariates Apostolic of Trichur and Kottayam exclusively for St Thomas Christians, who began to be called Syro-Malabar Catholics. This heralded the beginning of the Syro-Malabar Church. In 1896, a third Vicariate Apostolic namely Ernakulam was established for Syro-Malabar Catholics, and the Syro-Malabar Church began to have indigenous bishops.
In 1930, a group of Jacobites under the leadership of Mar Ivanios reunited with the Catholic Church and the Vatican accommodated them as a separate rite. They are known as Syro-Malankara Catholics and they form the Syro-Malankara Rite or the Syro-Malankara Church.
The Syro-Malankara Church follows the Antiochean or West Syrian tradition of worship, and they are an Oriental or Eastern Rite Catholic Church.
Developments in the Syro-Malankara Church
The Syro-Malankara Church was till recently a Metropolitan Church.
On February 10, 2005, the Vatican elevated the Syro-Malankara Church to the status of a Major Archiepiscopal Church. The Church's Metropolitan, Archbishop Cyril Mar Baselios, was made the Major Archbishop.
The announcement was made at the St Mary's Cathedral, Pattom in Trivandrum on February 10, 2005.
Dioceses and Bishops of the Syro-Malankara Church
*Major Archeparchy of Trivandrum

      * Eparchy of Marthandom
      * Eparchy of Mavelikara
      * Eparchy of Pathanamthitta
      * Exarchate of United States

* Archieparchy of Tiruvalla

      * Eparchy of Bathery
      * Eparchy of Muvattupuzha
      * Eparchy of Puthur
      * MCC Extra Territorial Regions [1]


 The Malankara Syrian Catholic Church has 15 Hierarchs:

Platinum Jubilee
    The year 2005 marks the Platinum Jubilee (75 years) of the historic re-union of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church with the Church of Rome.

    Latin Church

    The Latin Church is spread all over the world, and represents all but a little of the Roman Catholic Church's population.
    Of the nearly 1.1 billion (110 crore or 1100 million) Roman Catholics, the Latin Church's strength is more than 90 percent or above 1 billion.
    The next two largest churches are the Ukrainian Church with a population of about 4.5 million and the Syro-Malabar Church with a strength of nearly 4 million. Both these churches are Oriental (Eastern Rite) in worship and traditions.
    Latin Christianity in India
    The present Latin Church in India had its origin from the missionary work of the Western missionaries. In 1534, the diocese of Goa was established. St Francis Xavier, Robert De Nobili, and Constant Lievens were a few dominant missionaries. In 1886, the Indian Latin hierarchy was established.
    The Christian mission among the Tribals, Dalits, and backward classes of India is one of the main factors for their awakening and the formation of political movements and organizations to fight for their legitimate rights and justice.
    Population in India (Approximate figures)
    Total Christian population - 28 million
    Latin Catholics - 14 million
    Latin Catholics in Kerala - 2 million
        {Oriental Catholics in India (Kerala) - More than 4 million}
    Dioceses and Archdioceses
    Latin : 118 (22 Archdioceses)
    The first Latin diocese in Kerala was established in 1330 as the Diocese of Kollam.
    In 1534, Diocese of Goa was established.
    1558: Diocese of Cochin
    1542: Francis Xavier, one of the famous European missionaries, arrived in Goa.
    The main centres for Latin Catholics in the 16th century were Kochi, Kannur, and Kozhikkode.

    Friday, 22 July 2011

    Oriental (Eastern Rite) Catholic Churches

    The Roman Catholic Church comprises 22 individual or sui juris Churches, all in full communion with the Church of Rome, forming the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

    There is the Latin Church, and 21 Oriental Churches. The Oriental Catholic Churches are also known as Eastern Rite Catholic Churches. Each of these 21 Oriental Churches (Rites) has its own hierarchy, traditions, and practices.

    Major Oriental (Eastern Rite) Churches

    There are five major Oriental Churches or Oriental Rites, each of which has Sister Churches, taking the total number of Oriental Churches to 21.

    The five major Oriental rites are:
    1. Alexandrian
    2. Armenian
    3. Antiochene
    4. Byzantine
    5. Chaldean
    Note: The sixth major rite in the Catholic Church is the Roman (Latin) Church, which is non-Oriental.
    All 21 Oriental Churches are in full Communion with the Church of Rome.


    The 21 Oriental (Eastern Rite) Churches

    The Sister Churches of all the above five major Oriental Rites add up to 21 Oriental Churches in number. They are the following:
    1. Alexandrian Rite
      1. Coptic Catholic Church (Egypt)
      2. Ethiopian Catholic Church (Ethiopia)
    2. Antiochean Rite
      1. Syrian Catholic Church (Middle East, Americas, etc.)
      2. Maronite Catholic Church (Middle East, Americas, etc.)
      3. Syro-Malankara Catholic Church (Kerala in India)
    3. Armenian Rite
      1. Armenian Catholic Church (Middle East, Americas, Europe)
    4. Byzantine Rite
      1. Albanian Byzantine Catholic Church (Albania)
      2. Bulgarian Byzantine Catholic Church (Bulgaria)
      3. Byelorussian (Belarusian) Catholic Church (Russia, Greece, USA, etc.)
      4. Greek Byzantine Catholic Church (Greece, Turkey)
      5. Hungarian Byzantine Catholic Church (Hungary)
      6. Italo-Albanian Byzantine Catholic Church (Italy)
      7. Krizevei Catholic Church (Former Yugoslavia)
      8. Melkite Greek Catholic Church (Middle East, Americas, etc.)
      9. Romanian Greek Catholic Church (Romania, USA)
      10. Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic Church (Ukraine, USA)
      11. Ukrainian Catholic Church (Ukraine, USA, Americas)
      12. Russian Catholic Church (Russia, China, USA)
      13. Slovak Greek Catholic Church (Slovakia, Canada)
    5. Chaldean Rite
      1. Chaldean Catholic Church (Middle East, USA)
      2. Syro-Malabar Catholic Church (Kerala in India, India, USA)

    Oriental Churches in India

    India is blessed with two Oriental Catholic Churches, both of which are based in Kerala. These are the Syro-Malabar Church and the Syro-Malankara Church.

    The Syro-Malabar Church, the second largest of the 21 Oriental Churches (the largest being the Ukrainian Catholic Church), is a sister church of the Chaldean Church, and follows the Chaldean (East Syrian) tradition.

    The Syro-Malankara Church is a sister church of the Antiochene Church, and follows the Antiochean (West Syrian) tradition.

    Both the Syro-Malabar Church and the Syro-Malankara Church are Major Archiepiscopal Churches.

    Patriarchal Churches

    Six of the 21 Oriental Churches have attained the Patriarchal Status.

    Note: When the Catholic Church accords a status hierarchically, the status of a Church and its population are not commensurate. Consequently, a Church with comparatively smaller population can have a higher status.

    The Patriarchal Oriental Churches are:
    1. Armenian
    2. Chaldean
    3. Coptic
    4. Maronite
    5. Melkite
    6. Syrian
    A Patriarch is the head of a Patriarchal Church.

    Needless to mention that the Latin Church or Roman Church (non-Oriental) is also a Patriarchate, and the Pope is the Patriarch.

    Major Archiepiscopal Churches

    A Major Archbishop is the head of a Major Archiepiscopal Church.

    A Patriarchal Church and a Major Archiepiscopal Church have the same structure and autonomy. However, a Major Archiepiscopal Church differs from a Patriarchal Church in that the election of a Major Archbishop requires the Pope's confirmation whereas a Patriarch's election need only be notified to the Pope and other Patriarchs.

    Three of the 21 Oriental Churches are Major Archiepiscopal Churches. These are:
    1. Ukrainian Catholic Church
    2. Syro-Malabar Catholic Church
    3. Syro-Malankara Catholic Church
    The Ukrainian Church is the largest Oriental Church with a population of about 4.5 million. The Syro-Malabar Church is the second largest with a strength of nearly 4 million. Both of these come second and third in population in the entire Roman Catholic Church, behind the Church of Rome that alone has a following of about 1 billion. The Syro-Malankara Catholic Church has a strength of about 3,25,000.

    Metropolitan Churches

    A Metropolitan Archbishop is the head of a Metropolitan Church. A Metropolitan Archbishop is appointed by the Pope.

    All 12 remaining Oriental Churches, excepting the six Patriarchates and the three Major Archiepiscopates, are Metropolitan Churches.


    The Oriental Churches have their own hierarchies, traditions, and practices. All 21 Oriental Churches are in full communion with the Church of Rome. Together with the Latin Church, they form the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.




    Structure of the Roman Catholic Church

    The structure or organization of the Roman Catholic Church is hierarchical (organized into ranks).

    The Pope is the head. Below him are Patriarchs, Metropolitans, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, and other members of the clergy. The laity, who are at the bottom, are considered the foundation of the Church.

    The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church. The Pope, who is the head of the Universal Church, is also the Bishop of Rome. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ, the successor of Peter the Apostle.

    The Pope is credited with the gift of infallibility in matters of Christian doctrine and morals, and his words are deemed as being inspired by the Holy Spirit.

    Papal Election

    In theory, any practicing male Catholic can be elected as the Pope. In reality, a Cardinal from the College of Cardinals is chosen as the Pope. 

    The Pope is elected by the College of Cardinals that constitutes all Cardinals of the Catholic Church under the age of 80 years. The election is quite unlike other elections we witness, and is considered inspired by the Holy Spirit. A cardinal usually requires a two-third majority for being elected as the Pope. 

    The priest is the laity's first and nearest contact with the Church.
    The Church is the Body of Christ. The laity, who are the members of the Church, are in turn members of the Body of Christ. 

    Status of Churches

    The Churches are Patriarchal Churches, Major Archiepiscopal Churches, Metropolitan Churches, and Others.

    The Oriental Churches or Eastern Catholic Churches are governed by a hierarch who is a Patriarch, a Major Archbishop, or a Metropolitan.


    Roman Catholic Church

    The Roman Catholic Church is the Church with its headquarters at Rome in Italy. The Roman Catholic Church is commonly referred to by the name Catholic Church.

    Every Catholic person anywhere in the world - everyone who is a member of a Catholic Church that has allegiance to the Church of Rome and thus to the Pope - belongs to the Roman Catholic Church and is therefore Roman Catholic.

    The Catholic Church is the communion of 22 individual or sui juris Churches. There is one Latin Church, and there are 21 Oriental (Eastern Rite) Churches. All these Churches are in full communion with the Church of Rome, forming the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

    Each of these 21 Oriental churches (rites) has its own hierarchy, traditions, and practices. There are six major rites in the Catholic Church. These are: Roman (Latin), Alexandrian, Armenian, Antiochene (Antiochian), Byzantine, and Chaldean. Excepting the Roman (Latin) Church, all other churches are called Oriental Churches or Eastern Churches. Each of these five major Eastern rite (Oriental) churches has sister churches, taking the total number of Oriental or Eastern Churches to 21.

    The Syro-Malabar Church, an Oriental (Eastern Rite) Church and the second largest of the 21 Oriental Churches, is a sister church of the Chaldean church, and follows the Chaldean (East Syrian) tradition, the liturgy of the Chaldean Church having been derived from the Antiochean tradition.

    The Syro-Malankara Church is also an Oriental (Eastern Rite) Church. It is a sister church of the Antiochene (Antiochian) Church, and follows the Antiochean (West Syrian) tradition.

    The most significant point, however, is that the Catholic Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic and is known as the "Roman Catholic Church". 

    Terms & Meanings

    catholic = universal
    apostolic = conforming to the teachings of the apostles, related to the succession of spiritual authority from the apostles
    communion = unity, fellowship, rapport
    sui juris = autonomous, self-governing, capable of managing one's own affairs

    One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

    The Catholic Church is apostolic in the succession of the Pope and Bishops, and owns the authority that Jesus gave the apostles.
    The Catholic Church is One because all the churches are in communion with the Pope who is the Bishop of Rome.

    Note: Some accounts put the number of Oriental Churches at 22, 23, or even 24, separately counting slightly different rites also. However, for our learning and discussions, let's put the number of Oriental Churches at 21, making the Roman Catholic Church, together with the Latin Church, a communion of 22 individual churches.