Friday, 22 July 2011

Oriental (Eastern Rite) Catholic Churches

The Roman Catholic Church comprises 22 individual or sui juris Churches, all in full communion with the Church of Rome, forming the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

There is the Latin Church, and 21 Oriental Churches. The Oriental Catholic Churches are also known as Eastern Rite Catholic Churches. Each of these 21 Oriental Churches (Rites) has its own hierarchy, traditions, and practices.

Major Oriental (Eastern Rite) Churches

There are five major Oriental Churches or Oriental Rites, each of which has Sister Churches, taking the total number of Oriental Churches to 21.

The five major Oriental rites are:
  1. Alexandrian
  2. Armenian
  3. Antiochene
  4. Byzantine
  5. Chaldean
Note: The sixth major rite in the Catholic Church is the Roman (Latin) Church, which is non-Oriental.
All 21 Oriental Churches are in full Communion with the Church of Rome.


The 21 Oriental (Eastern Rite) Churches

The Sister Churches of all the above five major Oriental Rites add up to 21 Oriental Churches in number. They are the following:
  1. Alexandrian Rite
    1. Coptic Catholic Church (Egypt)
    2. Ethiopian Catholic Church (Ethiopia)
  2. Antiochean Rite
    1. Syrian Catholic Church (Middle East, Americas, etc.)
    2. Maronite Catholic Church (Middle East, Americas, etc.)
    3. Syro-Malankara Catholic Church (Kerala in India)
  3. Armenian Rite
    1. Armenian Catholic Church (Middle East, Americas, Europe)
  4. Byzantine Rite
    1. Albanian Byzantine Catholic Church (Albania)
    2. Bulgarian Byzantine Catholic Church (Bulgaria)
    3. Byelorussian (Belarusian) Catholic Church (Russia, Greece, USA, etc.)
    4. Greek Byzantine Catholic Church (Greece, Turkey)
    5. Hungarian Byzantine Catholic Church (Hungary)
    6. Italo-Albanian Byzantine Catholic Church (Italy)
    7. Krizevei Catholic Church (Former Yugoslavia)
    8. Melkite Greek Catholic Church (Middle East, Americas, etc.)
    9. Romanian Greek Catholic Church (Romania, USA)
    10. Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic Church (Ukraine, USA)
    11. Ukrainian Catholic Church (Ukraine, USA, Americas)
    12. Russian Catholic Church (Russia, China, USA)
    13. Slovak Greek Catholic Church (Slovakia, Canada)
  5. Chaldean Rite
    1. Chaldean Catholic Church (Middle East, USA)
    2. Syro-Malabar Catholic Church (Kerala in India, India, USA)

Oriental Churches in India

India is blessed with two Oriental Catholic Churches, both of which are based in Kerala. These are the Syro-Malabar Church and the Syro-Malankara Church.

The Syro-Malabar Church, the second largest of the 21 Oriental Churches (the largest being the Ukrainian Catholic Church), is a sister church of the Chaldean Church, and follows the Chaldean (East Syrian) tradition.

The Syro-Malankara Church is a sister church of the Antiochene Church, and follows the Antiochean (West Syrian) tradition.

Both the Syro-Malabar Church and the Syro-Malankara Church are Major Archiepiscopal Churches.

Patriarchal Churches

Six of the 21 Oriental Churches have attained the Patriarchal Status.

Note: When the Catholic Church accords a status hierarchically, the status of a Church and its population are not commensurate. Consequently, a Church with comparatively smaller population can have a higher status.

The Patriarchal Oriental Churches are:
  1. Armenian
  2. Chaldean
  3. Coptic
  4. Maronite
  5. Melkite
  6. Syrian
A Patriarch is the head of a Patriarchal Church.

Needless to mention that the Latin Church or Roman Church (non-Oriental) is also a Patriarchate, and the Pope is the Patriarch.

Major Archiepiscopal Churches

A Major Archbishop is the head of a Major Archiepiscopal Church.

A Patriarchal Church and a Major Archiepiscopal Church have the same structure and autonomy. However, a Major Archiepiscopal Church differs from a Patriarchal Church in that the election of a Major Archbishop requires the Pope's confirmation whereas a Patriarch's election need only be notified to the Pope and other Patriarchs.

Three of the 21 Oriental Churches are Major Archiepiscopal Churches. These are:
  1. Ukrainian Catholic Church
  2. Syro-Malabar Catholic Church
  3. Syro-Malankara Catholic Church
The Ukrainian Church is the largest Oriental Church with a population of about 4.5 million. The Syro-Malabar Church is the second largest with a strength of nearly 4 million. Both of these come second and third in population in the entire Roman Catholic Church, behind the Church of Rome that alone has a following of about 1 billion. The Syro-Malankara Catholic Church has a strength of about 3,25,000.

Metropolitan Churches

A Metropolitan Archbishop is the head of a Metropolitan Church. A Metropolitan Archbishop is appointed by the Pope.

All 12 remaining Oriental Churches, excepting the six Patriarchates and the three Major Archiepiscopates, are Metropolitan Churches.


The Oriental Churches have their own hierarchies, traditions, and practices. All 21 Oriental Churches are in full communion with the Church of Rome. Together with the Latin Church, they form the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.




Structure of the Roman Catholic Church

The structure or organization of the Roman Catholic Church is hierarchical (organized into ranks).

The Pope is the head. Below him are Patriarchs, Metropolitans, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, and other members of the clergy. The laity, who are at the bottom, are considered the foundation of the Church.

The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church. The Pope, who is the head of the Universal Church, is also the Bishop of Rome. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ, the successor of Peter the Apostle.

The Pope is credited with the gift of infallibility in matters of Christian doctrine and morals, and his words are deemed as being inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Papal Election

In theory, any practicing male Catholic can be elected as the Pope. In reality, a Cardinal from the College of Cardinals is chosen as the Pope. 

The Pope is elected by the College of Cardinals that constitutes all Cardinals of the Catholic Church under the age of 80 years. The election is quite unlike other elections we witness, and is considered inspired by the Holy Spirit. A cardinal usually requires a two-third majority for being elected as the Pope. 

The priest is the laity's first and nearest contact with the Church.
The Church is the Body of Christ. The laity, who are the members of the Church, are in turn members of the Body of Christ. 

Status of Churches

The Churches are Patriarchal Churches, Major Archiepiscopal Churches, Metropolitan Churches, and Others.

The Oriental Churches or Eastern Catholic Churches are governed by a hierarch who is a Patriarch, a Major Archbishop, or a Metropolitan.


Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church is the Church with its headquarters at Rome in Italy. The Roman Catholic Church is commonly referred to by the name Catholic Church.

Every Catholic person anywhere in the world - everyone who is a member of a Catholic Church that has allegiance to the Church of Rome and thus to the Pope - belongs to the Roman Catholic Church and is therefore Roman Catholic.

The Catholic Church is the communion of 22 individual or sui juris Churches. There is one Latin Church, and there are 21 Oriental (Eastern Rite) Churches. All these Churches are in full communion with the Church of Rome, forming the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

Each of these 21 Oriental churches (rites) has its own hierarchy, traditions, and practices. There are six major rites in the Catholic Church. These are: Roman (Latin), Alexandrian, Armenian, Antiochene (Antiochian), Byzantine, and Chaldean. Excepting the Roman (Latin) Church, all other churches are called Oriental Churches or Eastern Churches. Each of these five major Eastern rite (Oriental) churches has sister churches, taking the total number of Oriental or Eastern Churches to 21.

The Syro-Malabar Church, an Oriental (Eastern Rite) Church and the second largest of the 21 Oriental Churches, is a sister church of the Chaldean church, and follows the Chaldean (East Syrian) tradition, the liturgy of the Chaldean Church having been derived from the Antiochean tradition.

The Syro-Malankara Church is also an Oriental (Eastern Rite) Church. It is a sister church of the Antiochene (Antiochian) Church, and follows the Antiochean (West Syrian) tradition.

The most significant point, however, is that the Catholic Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic and is known as the "Roman Catholic Church". 

Terms & Meanings

catholic = universal
apostolic = conforming to the teachings of the apostles, related to the succession of spiritual authority from the apostles
communion = unity, fellowship, rapport
sui juris = autonomous, self-governing, capable of managing one's own affairs

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

The Catholic Church is apostolic in the succession of the Pope and Bishops, and owns the authority that Jesus gave the apostles.
The Catholic Church is One because all the churches are in communion with the Pope who is the Bishop of Rome.

Note: Some accounts put the number of Oriental Churches at 22, 23, or even 24, separately counting slightly different rites also. However, for our learning and discussions, let's put the number of Oriental Churches at 21, making the Roman Catholic Church, together with the Latin Church, a communion of 22 individual churches.